Tiny Saga continues
Tiny goes multidimensional
Tiny deploy common goods
69% activation milestone reached
Max boost and something new incoming
Bitcoin halving and tiny-rune-stone
Tiny-Rune-Stone, a token to power the upcoming tiny ecosystem, was etched on block 840 000, the 4th halving block on Bitcoin
Tiny Rune Etching Started
Tiny bot appeared
Tiny Vikings arrived
Tiny Evolutions started
Tiny evolutions are programmed to Bitcoin block height
Tiny Explorer Live
Tinies are pushing the limits of ordinals being dynamic, evolving, interactive. Indexers and marketplaces struggle to manage tinies. Team builds tiny explorer and tech needed
Tiny saga starts
Tiny Airdrop
Tiny Airdrop started
Deploying tiny vikings
Tiny Vikings are ready
tiny architecture on bitcoin
Tiny Vikings are fully onchain
Tiny Saga Starts
Exploring tiny worlds and learning about the civilization of tiny vikings
Art Experiments
We are tiny, and we are vikings
Why tiny vikings
Bitcoin is a world computer, how to make assets fun, interactive and composable?